SMS relæ GSM PRO2 med moduler for digital/Analog input/output

  • Mulighed for GPS overvågning/rapportering
  • Mulighed for ekstern antenne
  • Konfigureres via PC eller App

Udvalgt variant

Udvalgt variant


2G Quad-band GSM bands: 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz
3G Five-band UMTS (WCDMA/FDD) bands: 800, 850, 900, 1800, 1900 and 2100 MHz
4G LTE CAT1: Penta band 700 (Bd28)/ 800 (Bd20)/900 (Bd8)/1800 (Bd3)/2100 MHz (Bd1)
Afisoleringslængde 6 mm
Antenna GSM 50 Ohm, SMA-plug
Bredde 36 mm
Bus protocoll / interface Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex, non-insulated
Connection type Skrue
Contact material AgNi 90/10
Continuous current max / Inrush current max 5 / 5 A
Counter input (pull-down) 1000 pulses/s max. Pulldown res. 24 kOhm
Current consumption 275 mA @ 24V dc
DIN-VDE Spec LVD 2014/35/EC, EN 50178. EMC 2014/30/EC, EN 61326-1
Electrical life in hours (AC1) 1,5x10⁵
Electromagnetic Compatibility EN55011, EN61326-1
Forsyningsspænding 10-30V dc
Frequency spectrum ETSI EN 301-511 V9.0.2
Højde 77 mm
Input resistance U / I 80K / 500Ω
Input signal U / I max 30 V / -
IP-klasse IP20
Længde 88 mm
Mechanical life hours 15x10⁶
Minimum pulse duration 500 ms
Montage TS 35/7,5 og direkte montering
Number of ext. modules max 15 pc
Number of inputs 2
Number of outputs 1
Oprindelsesland NL
Pakningsstørrelse 1 pc
Rated V ac / switching V ac max 250 / 250 V ac
Relative humidity max 80 %
Relay contact 1 CO
Resolution I (0-20 mA) 40 µA / ± (40 µ + 0,3%)
Resolution U (0-10 V dc) 20mV / ±(20mV+0,3%)
SIM card Nano-SIM
Switching capacity max 1200 VA
Tariff code 85176990
Temperaturområde drift fra -20 °C
Temperaturområde drift til 60 °C
Threshold digital inputs Low <3, High >6V
Torque 0,4 Nm
Tværsnit enkelt ledning fra 0,2 mm²
Tværsnit enkelt ledning til 4 mm²
Vægt 149 g


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Favoritter Artikler 2G 3G 4G Antenna GPS Antenna GSM Bredde Bus protocoll / interface Contact configuration Contact material Continuous current max / Inrush current max Control pulse length min Counter input (pull-down) Current consumption Electrical life in hours (AC1) Electromagnetic Compatibility Extension module Forsyningsspænding Frequency GPS Frequency spectrum Godkendelser Højde Input Input frequency max Input resistance RTD Input resistance U / I Input signal U / I max Længde LED status Load resistance U Logic "0" Mechanical life hours Minimum pulse duration Module current (all relays) max Number of ext. modules max Number of inputs Number of outputs Rated V ac / switching V ac max Relative humidity max Relay contact Resolution I (0-20 mA) Resolution RTD Resolution U (0-10 V dc) SIM card Switching capacity max Switching current max Temperaturkoefficient Threshold digital inputs Time to first fix (@ -140dBm) Udgang Vægt Voltage active antenna Pris
Quad-band GSM bands: 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz
Five-band UMTS (WCDMA/FDD) bands: 800, 850, 900, 1800, 1900 and 2100 MHz
LTE CAT1: Penta band 700 (Bd28)/ 800 (Bd20)/900 (Bd8)/1800 (Bd3)/2100 MHz (Bd1)
50 Ohm, SMA-plug
36 mm
Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex, non-insulated
AgNi 90/10
5 / 5 A
1000 pulses/s max. Pulldown res. 24 kOhm
275 mA @ 24V dc
EN55011, EN61326-1
10-30V dc
ETSI EN 301-511 V9.0.2
77 mm
80K / 500Ω
30 V / -
88 mm
500 ms
15 pc
250 / 250 V ac
80 %
1 CO
40 µA / ± (40 µ + 0,3%)
20mV / ±(20mV+0,3%)
1200 VA
Low <3, High >6V
149 g
Quad-band GSM bands: 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz
Five-band UMTS (WCDMA/FDD) bands: 800, 850, 900, 1800, 1900 and 2100 MHz
LTE CAT1: Penta band 700 (Bd28)/ 800 (Bd20)/900 (Bd8)/1800 (Bd3)/2100 MHz (Bd1)
50 Ohm, SMA-plug
95 mm
Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex, non-insulated
AgNi 90/10
5 / 5 A
1000 pulses/s max. Pulldown res. 24 kOhm
275 mA @ 24V dc
EN55011, EN61326-1
10-30V dc
ETSI EN 301-511 V9.0.2
77 mm
80K / 500Ω
30 V / -
88 mm
500 ms
15 pc
250 / 250 V ac
80 %
1 CO
40 µA / ± (40 µ + 0,3%)
20mV / ±(20mV+0,3%)
1200 VA
Low <3, High >6V
262 g
Quad-band GSM bands: 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz
Five-band UMTS (WCDMA/FDD) bands: 800, 850, 900, 1800, 1900 and 2100 MHz
LTE CAT1: Quad band, 700 (Bd12)/ 850 (Bd5)/AWS (Bd4)/1900 MHz (Bd2)
50 Ohm, SMA-plug
36 mm
Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex, non-insulated
AgNi 90/10
5 / 5 A
1000 pulses/s max. Pulldown res. 24 kOhm
275 mA @ 24V dc
EN55011, EN61326-1
10-30V dc
ETSI EN 301-511 V9.0.2
77 mm
80K / 500Ω
30 V / -
88 mm
500 ms
15 pc
250 / 250 V ac
80 %
1 CO
40 µA / ± (40 µ + 0,3%)
20mV / ±(20mV+0,3%)
1200 VA
Low <3, High >6V
149 g
Quad-band GSM bands: 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz
Five-band UMTS (WCDMA/FDD) bands: 800, 850, 900, 1800, 1900 and 2100 MHz
LTE CAT1: Quad band, 700 (Bd12)/ 850 (Bd5)/AWS (Bd4)/1900 MHz (Bd2)
50 Ohm, SMA-plug
95 mm
Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex, non-insulated
AgNi 90/10
5 / 5 A
1000 pulses/s max. Pulldown res. 24 kOhm
275 mA @ 24V dc
EN55011, EN61326-1
10-30V dc
ETSI EN 301-511 V9.0.2
77 mm
80K / 500Ω
30 V / -
88 mm
500 ms
15 pc
250 / 250 V ac
80 %
1 CO
40 µA / ± (40 µ + 0,3%)
20mV / ±(20mV+0,3%)
1200 VA
Low <3, High >6V
262 g
95 mm
Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex
15 ms
30 mA
20-28V dc
60 mm
20 Hz
30V dc / -
53 mm
<3 V
90 %
154 g
95 mm
Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex
50 mA
20-28V dc
60 mm
Plug-in, default 5k11 for Ni/PT1000 RTD sensors
200K / 250Ω
10V dc / 20 mA
53 mm
90 %
10 bit / ± (20 µA + 0,4% of measured value)
14 bit / ± (0,4 °C + 0,5% of measured value)
10bit / ± (10mV + 0,3% of measured value)
<0,02% / K
128 g
95 mm
Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex
1 CO
100 mA
20-28V dc
60 mm
53 mm
32 A
250 / 250 V ac
90 %
4000 VA
16 / 80 (20 ms)
172 g
95 mm
Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex
57 mA
20-28V dc
60 mm
36 mm
>1000 Ω
90 %
10bit / ± (30mV + 0,5% of measured value)
<0,02% / K
66 g
Quad-band GSM bands: 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz
Five-band UMTS (WCDMA/FDD) bands: 800, 850, 900, 1800, 1900 and 2100 MHz
50 Ohm, SMA-plug
36 mm
Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex, non-insulated
AgNi 90/10
5 / 5 A
1000 pulses/s max. Pulldown res. 24 kOhm
275 mA @ 24V dc
EN55011, EN61326-1
10-30V dc
ETSI EN 301-511 V9.0.2
77 mm
80K / 500Ω
30 V / -
88 mm
500 ms
15 pc
250 / 250 V ac
80 %
1 CO
40 µA / ± (40 µ + 0,3%)
20mV / ±(20mV+0,3%)
1200 VA
Low <3, High >6V
135 g
Quad-band GSM bands: 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz
Five-band UMTS (WCDMA/FDD) bands: 800, 850, 900, 1800, 1900 and 2100 MHz
50 Ohm, SMA-plug
95 mm
Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex, non-insulated
AgNi 90/10
5 / 5 A
1000 pulses/s max. Pulldown res. 24 kOhm
275 mA @ 24V dc
EN55011, EN61326-1
10-30V dc
ETSI EN 301-511 V9.0.2
77 mm
80K / 500Ω
30 V / -
88 mm
500 ms
15 pc
250 / 250 V ac
80 %
1 CO
40 µA / ± (40 µ + 0,3%)
20mV / ±(20mV+0,3%)
1200 VA
Low <3, High >6V
230 g
Quad-band GSM bands: 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz
Five-band UMTS (WCDMA/FDD) bands: 800, 850, 900, 1800, 1900 and 2100 MHz
50 Ohm, SMA-plug
50 Ohm, SMA-plug
36 mm
Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex, non-insulated
AgNi 90/10
5 / 5 A
1000 pulses/s max. Pulldown res. 24 kOhm
275 mA @ 24V dc
EN55011, EN61326-1
10-30V dc
1575-1587 Mhz
ETSI EN 301-511 V9.0.2
77 mm
80K / 500Ω
30 V / -
88 mm
500 ms
15 pc
250 / 250 V ac
80 %
1 CO
40 µA / ± (40 µ + 0,3%)
20mV / ±(20mV+0,3%)
1200 VA
Low <3, High >6V
Hot<2s, warm<35s, cold<46s
137 g
3 V @ RF plug
Quad-band GSM bands: 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz
Five-band UMTS (WCDMA/FDD) bands: 800, 850, 900, 1800, 1900 and 2100 MHz
50 Ohm, SMA-plug
50 Ohm, SMA-plug
95 mm
Modbus RTU / RS485, half-duplex, non-insulated
AgNi 90/10
5 / 5 A
1000 pulses/s max. Pulldown res. 24 kOhm
275 mA @ 24V dc
EN55011, EN61326-1
10-30V dc
1575-1587 Mhz
ETSI EN 301-511 V9.0.2
77 mm
80K / 500Ω
30 V / -
88 mm
500 ms
15 pc
250 / 250 V ac
80 %
1 CO
40 µA / ± (40 µ + 0,3%)
20mV / ±(20mV+0,3%)
1200 VA
Low <3, High >6V
Hot<2s, warm<35s, cold<46s
232 g
3 V @ RF plug

Udvalgt variant

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Teknisk rådgivning
Lars Bogetoft Christensen

Produktchef, El Automation

+4548106497 48 10 64 97

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